Digital Images Archive
239 - Lincoln Town Planning Proposals Map, 1939
The 237 map never went before a public enquiry for approval so never became definitive. That made it possible for revisions to be made. After many delays, in 1939 Lincoln prepared a new version that could go before a public enquiry. The regulations had changed and we now have a pair of maps. The 238 map shows the current situation; this 239 map shows the proposals.
The base map is the 25-inch edition of 1932. For most sheets within the City a new revision had been undertaken in 1938 but this was as yet unpublished. Within the City (but not within the excluded built-up area) buildings have been updated by the City Surveyor's Dept; generalisation is not always in accordance with OS rules, but everything caught by the OS revisers in 1938 seems to be included. Other features, like vegetation, have not been updated.
'Public' seems to be understood as implying municipal ownership. Thus some allotment gardens shown on the base map are not coloured orange because they were not owned by the city. Likewise the Boultham open air swimming baths and the associated tennis courts are coloured green as a Public Open Space; but the adjacent Tennis Ground, being private, is uncoloured.
All three maps are reproduced by courtesy of Lincoln City Council.