Digital Images Archive
1:1250 Dartmouth [Devon 127.16NE, part]
The Land Valuation revision of 1912 was a rush job, a partial revision of urban areas to provide a baseline for the taxation of gains in land values. Many of the sheets were never printed, and those that were printed were not placed on public sale so do not appear in the copyright libraries. Not only the revised sheets but also numerous unrevised sheets were photographically enlarged to 1:1250 to facilitate annotation.
Given OS's concerns about quality, it is perhaps surprising that it was willing to use this sheet for a 'special', printed for the Parochial History of Dartmouth - and possibly for other volumes issued by the Devonshire Association. What we have here is a composite formed by adding a narrow strip of 128.13 to extend the map to the shoreline. Just east of the 'N' of Newcomen Road, two-thirds of the way to the shore, one can see the vertical join, and also a horizontal join which probably arises from the 12-inch 'cards' used in the revision process. South of this, note the white (unfilled) houses added in the revision. It is instructive to compare them with the next full revision in 1936, when the northern few houses were redrawn in the more generalised manner then in force. Now look at the name 'DARTMOUTH' in large letters: next to the 'O', the area of parcel 241 has been repeated. This is something one might see at this date at the edge of a sheet, but there seems no reason why the vertical fold here on this map should ever have corresponded to a sheet edge. So this is a mystery.